Can Keto Bread Upset Your Stomach? (Health Benefits/Risks/FAQs)

Can Keto Bread Upset Your Stomach?

Yes, keto bread can upset your stomach if you ignore high-fiber foods in your meal plan. Unplanned keto bread consumption may cause stomach problems and digestive problems like gastrointestinal (GI) problems, diarrhea, and constipation.

You should eat fiber rich foods with keto bread to ignore stomach-related issues. Otherwise, you will get an upset stomach after eating keto bread.

If you follow the correct meal guideline then keto bread will never upset your stomach.

Can Keto Bread Give You Stomach Ache?

Yes, sometimes keto bread gives you a stomach ache. It can also create somebody discomfort like fatigue, muscular pain, abdominal pain, etc.

Before buying you need to check the nutrition level. There is some improper bread on market claiming as keto bread which can contain high-carb instead of low-carb.

Because of this, some “high-carb” fake keto bread may cause stomach ache. Although genuine low-carb keto bread has a very less chance to create stomach pain.

However, if you are facing stomach ache it can be cured using keto stomach ache remedy.

Keto Bread Stomach Issues, Reasons & Resolution: A Quick Guide 

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Is Keto Bread Good For Stomach Ulcers?

Stomach ulcer patients should avoid keto bread. Keto bread may not be good for stomach ulcers.

Although keto bread does not cause stomach ulcers several studies have shown that excessive intake of the keto diet may cause several digestive issues like gas, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and stomach ulcer for severe cases.

That’s why stomach ulcer patients need to be very careful before thinking of keto bread. They should avoid this food in their daily meal plan.

If you want a detailed guide about keto stomach ulcers, you should check this: Keto stomach ulcer cause & treatment.

Can Keto Bread Give You Gas?

Keto bread can give you gas because it’s high in fiber. The majority of keto bread is prepared using either almond flour or coconut flour.

Both almond flour and coconut flour are high in fiber. According to studies, a high fiber diet can increase gas production in healthy adults (1).

Also, keto bread prepared from unblanched almond flour contains a high amount of phytic acid. Studies have shown that phytic acid can affect the absorption of nutrients (2).

This in turn may promote stomach disorders like gas and bloat. But does keto bread cause bloating?

Yes, keto bread can cause bloating in healthy adults due to two factors i.e high fiber and phytic acid(only applicable for almond bread). The first one is the high fiber component of keto bread which can cause bloating due to excess gas production.

The second contributor to bloating is the high phytic acid of almond keto bread. That’s why people often get bloated on keto after consumption of keto-friendly bread.

However, you can easily get rid of keto gas and bloating by reduction of ketogenic bread intake and adding more fluid to your diet plan.

Almond Flour Upset Stomach

Some people face stomach upset after eating almond flour recipes, especially almond keto bread.

This problem occurs due to these people are allergic to almonds. Another common reason behind this stomach upset is due to nutrient deficiency.

Also, it is observed that a high fiber diet creates stomach trouble for IBS patients.

If you are suffering from IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) the fiber content of almond flour may upset your stomach and increase the chance of gas, bloating, or even diarrhea.

Major Reasons Behind Keto Bread Stomach Issues

A limited intake of keto bread is safe for stomach troubles. However excess intake and nutrient deficiency may cause multiple stomach disorders like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

Before starting the consumption of keto bread you need to know these reasons.

Stay updated and keep stomach troubles at bay

Insufficient Fiber Intake: Dietary fiber is a very important nutrient to keep our gut healthy. Fiber acts as microbiota fuel.

Fiber has numerous benefits for our digestive system. Fiber produces short-chain fatty acids in the colon.

This acid is an essential element for colonocytes. It improves absorption and reduces intestinal transit time (3).

Water-insoluble fibers increase stool bulks. These type of fibers contains high water holding capacity.

Because of this water-insoluble fibers increase softness in stools (4). It also reduces the gut transit time.

Keto bread’s main ingredient is either almond flour or coconut flour. Both are rich in water-insoluble fiber.

That’s why keto bread is good for constipation cure.

Insufficient fiber intake may damage these important gut functions. And as a result, you may get hit by gut problems like gas, stomach pain, constipation, etc.

Protein Disbalance: Protein aids in microbial protein mechanism. These microbiota promotes and generates multiple micronutrients.

Glutamine is one such micronutrient. Like fiber, glutamine has multiple beneficial effects on gut microbiota.

Glutamine is one kind of amino acid. Research has shown that glutamine improves gut barrier function (5).

The gut barrier protects our gut from harmful bacteria. Thus by strengthening the gut barrier glutamine saves our gut from potential damage.

Glutamine supplement promotes guts microbiota composition in obese people also.

Glutamine also helps to reduce gut infection. Because of this glutamine can be beneficial to fight severe gut infections, especially diarrhea.

Another study has shown that glutamine reduces constipation in animals (6).

Protein also reduces harmful bi-products in our gut (7). Decreasing these bi-products protein helps to prevent stomach disorders.

So, if you ignore high fiber foods while consuming keto bread, you will get affected by stomach problems like gas, constipation, etc.

Excess Fat Consumption: Keto diet is a high-fat meal plan. Our body uses high fat as fuel.

However excess intake of foods high in fat can cause a reverse effect. According to scientific research, a high-fat diet can destabilize our gut functions (8).

The human intestinal tract acts as a protective barrier in our body. It is responsible for the absorption of dietary nutrients.

The human intestinal tract also saves our body from various bacteria and toxins.

Multiple health problems can arise if we compromise the security of this barrier.

Studies have shown that excess fat can damage this barrier. Which affects our capacity for nutrient absorption.

This intestinal tract harm promotes inflammatory bowel disease. This disease causes multiple stomach disorders like abdominal pain, bloody stool, and diarrhea.

Daily Nutrient Requirement To Prevent Stomach Problems

Maintaining a proper nutrient level per day is very important. If you fail to follow the rule you will end up with multiple health disorders.

To keep your stomach healthy you need to maintain the following chart of fiber, protein, and fat.

Fiber: Sufficient fiber intake is very important during the keto diet. It will prevent health problems, especially gut-related issues.

Daily fiber requirement is different for both men and women. The standard fiber requirement for males and females are

  • 30-35 grams for men
  • 25-32 grams for women

Source: PUBMED (9).

Protein: Recommend protein intake is calculated by per gram protein requirement protein against per kg body weight. It differs for age groups.

  • Infants(<4 months): 2.5-1.4
  • Children: 1.3-0.8
  • Adults(<65 years): 0.8
  • Adults(>65 years): 1.0

Source: PUBMED (10).

Fat: Keto diet suggests 70-80 percent of fat against total daily calories. Although the keto diet does not have any fixed daily calorie table.

The optimal calorie intake for men is 2500 calories. For women, it is 2000 calories (11).

To avoid excess fat intake you should follow this calorie model.

These criteria can not be fulfilled by only using keto bread. You need to eat other fiber and protein-rich foods also.

Can Keto Bread Cause Constipation?

Keto bread can be constipating. In fact, coconut flour bread is more constipating compared to almond flour bread because of its high saturated fat.

Let’s check the details.

Almond flour keto bread and constipation

Almond flour bread is a great source of anti-constipation nutrients aka dietary fiber, glutamine, probiotics, and magnesium. All of these help to relieve constipation.

According to studies, dietary fiber can increase stool frequency and it is able to soften the stool (12). Also, magnesium deficiency is a well-known cause of constipation (13).

In fact, the high fiber and magnesium of almond keto bread can act as a natural laxative to prevent constipation. Studies have shown that dietary fiber can increase stool frequency in constipated persons (14).

Moreover, almond flour contains probiotics. Probiotics can aid in constipation relief by improving stool frequency and quality (15).

Also, the glutamine component of almond flour bread can improve gut function. It’s another added benefit for constipation relief.

When will you get constipated?

Nut flour like almond flour contains phytic acid. The unbleached almond flour is high in phytic acid which is a constipation factor.

That’s why if you eat keto bread prepared from unblanched almond flour, there is a high chance of constipation occurrence.

Also, several people have a nut allergy and constipation is a side effect of the allergy. In that case, you will get constipated after consumption of keto bread which contains almond nut flour.

Moreover, if you are suffering from chronic constipation with delayed transit time or idiopathic constipation, keto almond bread can worsen your constipation problems.

It’s because, high fiber components can increase constipation problems for (16, 17):

  • Chronic constipation patients with the delayed transit time
  • Idiopathic constipation patients

Keto bread prepared from coconut flour can case constipation

Another common keto bread is prepared using coconut flour. Coconut flour is high in saturated fat which is a constipating factor.

According to studies, more than 30 grams of intake of saturated fat triggers constipation (18). That’s why coconut keto bread can promote constipation.

Other constipation factors

There are some other factors that lead to constipation. However, the majority of these are not directly related to the consumption of keto bread.

These causes are described below:

Some dieters completely stop eating vegetables. This causes fiber discrepancy in the human body, which causes constipation.

Also, too much consumption of high-fiber keto bread causes fiber overload in the body which causes phytobezoar formation in the gastrointestinal tract. This formation causes small bowel obstruction which promotes constipation (19).

Moreover, some other constipation contributors are (20):

  • Depression
  • Tooth problem
  • Less water consumption
  • Inadequate intake of dietary fiber
  • Overweight

Can Keto Bread Cause Diarrhea?

Keto bread can cause diarrhea, especially when one is prepared from almond flour. If you are allergic to almonds, you can get affected with diarrhea after intake of almond keto bread.

Moreover, the high phytic acid of unblanched almond flour bread is another contributor to diarrhea. Also, people with fat malabsorption problems can get affected by diarrhea after consumption of keto bread.

Furthermore, the high fiber component of keto bread can trigger diarrhea for IBS patients with delayed transit time and idiopathic constipation patients.

However, the most common types of diarrhea occur from bacterial infection. In that case, there is a very rare chance of diarrhea from normal consumption of keto bread for healthy adults.

If you are facing frequent diarrhea check how to stop keto bread diarrhea. Hope these keto bread anti-diarrhea tips will be helpful for you.

Does Keto Bread Make You Poop?

Absolutely yes. Keto bread is high in water-insoluble fibers that make you poop. Water-insoluble fibers support a healthy gut.

These nutrients increase stool bulk and also reduce the transit time. Due to this, you poop more after the consumption of keto bread.

The most common type of flour used in keto bread is almond flour. And almond flour is rich in water-insoluble fiber.

Moreover, the rich magnesium and glutamine of almond flour keto bread also increase stool frequency. However, coconut keto bread may not make you poop more because of its constipation contribution factor aka high saturated fat.

How Many Slices of Keto Bread Can I Eat Per Day?

You can eat 3 slices of keto bread per day. This is applicable for vegan almond flour keto bread or keto coconut bread.

The ideal weight of 1 piece of vegan almond keto bread or coconut bread is 35 grams.

However, you should eat 2 slices of keto bread with eggs or keto Korean sausage bread. Because the weight of these two types of bread is 50 grams per slice.

How Long Does Keto Bread Diarrhea Last?

Keto bread causes diarrhea in very rare cases. This low-carb and high fiber bread is absolutely safe to eat.

However, if you got diarrhea for some circumstances it may be cured within a short time.

Actually, keto bread diarrhea lasts for 1 week. Note, that there are 21 subtypes of diarrhea, and the majority of these are caused by other reasons.

So, you don’t have to worry about keto bread diarrhea.

Will Keto Bread Kick You Out of Ketosis?

No. Keto bread will not kick you out of ketosis because it is low in carbs. One slice of keto bread contains only 2-3 grams of net carbs.

Homemade keto bread is prepared using either almond flour or coconut flour. Both of these ingredients contain very low carbs.

These low in carbs keto almond bread or coconut bread are the perfect food to keep you in a ketosis state.

Keto Bread Recipes for Stomach Issues

Perfectly prepared keto bread is originally low in carbs. These bread are prepared using either almond flour or coconut flour.

Both of these flours are gluten-free. These vegan and gluten free keto bread recipes will prevent stomach related issues.

Also, there is another gluten free nonveg keto bread recipe i.e keto Korean bread. You can try this homemade recipe also if you are non-vegan.

Can low carb bread cause constipation?

Low carb bread can also cause constipation if it is high in saturated fat. It is observed that low carb bread prepared from coconut flour contains a high amount of saturated fat which may lead to bowel movement issues.

On the other hand, low carb bread prepared from almond flour can also trigger constipation in case of excess consumption. It’s because of the presence of phytic acid in almond flour bread which is a well-known constipation factor.

Does keto bread have too much fiber?

Keto bread prepared from almond flour contains more fiber compared to other types of low carb bread. Almond flour is full of fiber and because of this almond flour keto bread is a great source of fiber.

However, none of the keto bread has too much fiber. In fact, one slice of keto bread can contain a maximum of 12-14 grams of fiber.


An excessive amount of high-fat and low-fiber foods may upset our stomachs. On the other hand, keto bread is a low-fat and high-fiber food. Considering these facts keto bread can not upset our stomach or digestive system.

You can eat keto bread every day but keep it limited because excessive keto upsets the stomach. Also, you must include high fiber foods like green vegetables in your diet plan to avoid any stomach-related problems.

While most of the variations of low-carb, low-fat, and high fiber keto bread are perfectly edible for your stomach, you have to remain vigilant of the likes of the high-carb fake keto bread. They are harmful and can create several stomach troubles(gastrointestinal (GI)) like diarrhea, stomach ache, gas, bloating, and ulcers.