Does Almond Milk Cause Constipation?!(2022 Study)

Lactose intolerance is the major reason behind milk-based constipation. That’s why people often replace normal milk with either almond milk or flaxseed milk to relieve constipation. Among these two plant-based milk, almond milk is the most popular option and is widely used.

But does almond milk cause constipation relief really? Almonds are packed with dietary fiber and glutamine both of which help to maintain a healthy digestive system.

That’s why fiber and glutamine rich almond milk does not cause constipation. However, if the fiber component is removed during almond milk processing then it can make people constipated. 

In fact, both homemade and commercial products of almond milk can cause constipation.

Let’s check why does almond milk cause constipation and how to get rid of it.

Why Does Almond Milk Cause Constipation?

Almonds are a rich source of fiber and magnesium. Both fiber and magnesium aid in constipation relief by improving stool consistency (1, 2). That’s why the consumption of almonds is beneficial for constipation prevention.

On the other hand, almond milk is a filtered liquid of blended almonds and water mixture. During the filtration, the majority of fiber and magnesium components of almonds stay with the left-over pulp portion. This essential nutrient deficiency of almond milk is the main cause of constipation occurrence.

Moreover, dairy milk is a rich source of calcium but almond milk loses all of its calcium components during the straining process. That’s why commercial almond milk products use calcium carbonate to make it more identical to dairy milk.

This calcium carbonate component of commercial almond milk can trigger constipation also. According to studies calcium supplements, especially calcium carbonate is associated with the occurrence of constipation (3).

However, by choosing the top commercial almond milk you may not get constipated.

Does Almond Milk Cause Constipation in Toddlers?

As normally processed almond milk contains very little amount of fiber it can cause constipation in toddlers. Moreover, homemade almond milk also loses its magnesium component during the straining process.

Like, dietary fiber, magnesium plays an important role in maintaining bowel health. That’s why homemade almond milk can cause constipation in toddlers if they do not consume other fiber and magnesium-rich foods along with this tree milk.

Also, the added calcium carbonate of commercial almond milk may also increase the risk of constipation in toddlers.

Can Almond Milk Cause Constipation in Babies?

Yes, almond milk can cause constipation in babies like toddlers. The deficiency of magnesium and fiber is the major reason behind this occurrence of constipation. However, babies can get rid of constipation by adding fiber-rich foods to their diet plan.

Some common and beneficial fiber-rich foods for babies are

Adding these high-fiber foods can help to maintain fiber balance and aid in smooth bowel movement. Also, choosing low calcium commercial almond milk is a good way to avoid constipation problems.

Also check: Does Almond Flour Cause Constipation

Does Almond Milk Help Bowel Movements?

Almond milk does not help in bowel movements as it contains very little amount of fiber and magnesium. In fact, consumption of almond milk without other foods that are rich in fiber and magnesium triggers constipation.

Furthermore, commercial almond milk contains a high amount of calcium carbonate. As, calcium supplement like calcium carbonate is a promoter of constipation, too much almond milk may worsen your bowel movements.

However, a controlled intake of almond milk with adequate fiber and magnesium can help you to achieve a smooth bowel movement.

Is Almond Milk Laxative?

Laxatives are used to achieve a smooth bowel movement and reduce the occurrence of constipation. Dietary fiber and magnesium are the two most common nutrients of laxatives because of their bowel-friendly and anti-constipation benefits.

On the other hand, almonds are a well-known laxative for their high fiber and magnesium density. However, almond milk is a filtered liquid by-product of almonds and it lacks both fiber and magnesium because of this almond milk is not a laxative.

Does Almond Milk Make Me Poop More?

No, homemade almond milk does not make you poop more. The very little presence of magnesium and fiber in almond milk is the main reason behind this. It’s because fiber and magnesium are well-known nutrients that help to poop more.

However, by avoiding the filtering method of homemade almond milk you can maintain the fiber and magnesium density and it can improve your poop frequency.

Furthermore, calcium carbonate presence can become a major contributor to constipation in commercial almond milk. Choosing proper commercial almond milk with fewer calcium components can be beneficial for healthy poop maintenance.

Also check: Does Almond Butter Make You Poop

How To Relieve Almond Milk Constipation?

To relieve almond milk constipation you need to follow some simple rules. However, these rules depend upon the preparation model of almond milk. So, to know the facts in-depth you need to understand the method of almond milk preparation.

To prepare almond milk you need the following:

After arranging the above-mentioned ingredients and products first you need to mix raw almonds with water and blend them using a blender. Finally, the almond milk is prepared by straining using the nut milk bag.

This straining procedure is used to make the milk smooth. However, almond milk lost most of its fiber component during this process. As straining is an essential process you should not avoid it.

Then how to get rid of almond milk constipation?

Well, to relieve almond milk constipation you should add high fiber foods like nuts, eggs, chicken, apple, carrots, etc to your meal. Moreover, to counter the magnesium deficiency you should consume magnesium-rich foods like pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, cashews, brazil nuts, spinach, kale, okra, etc.

Furthermore, to avoid calcium overload from commercial almond milk products, use low calcium carbonate almond milk along with the above food recommendations. Also, you can use almond milk alternatives to relieve constipation.

Some common almond milk substitutes are:

Alternatively, you can use buttermilk also. However, buttermilk can make you constipated as it does not contain fiber. Also, you should avoid coconut milk. It’s because coconut milk is constipating because of its high saturated fat density.

Final Thoughts

Almond milk is a very popular nut milk and it does not create lactose intolerance like normal dairy milk. However, almond milk may not be a good choice for a constipation cure as it lacks fiber and magnesium nutrients.

These two nutrients are extremely essential for constipation control. However, if you are facing constipation problems due to lactose intolerance then you may drink almond milk. But you should add other foods that are rich in fiber and magnesium to overcome the fiber and magnesium deficiency of almond milk.