Top 5 Watermelon Urine Color Study

Are you wondering what the heck is “watermelon urine color” is? Sometimes our urine color changes after eating watermelon.

Yes. It’s true that you can get different shades of urine color after eating watermelon. And there are various reasons behind this so-called watermelon urine color.

Normally 5 shades of urine color change are observed after consumption of watermelon. These are

  • Orange
  • Red
  • Glassy white
  • Bright yellow
  • Black

Moreover, watermelon is a widely used keto fruit.

However, we have omitted watermelon’s keto urine color here.

As we have already discussed and analyzed ketosis urine color previously.

Let’s find the reasons behind the 5 urine color changes promoted by watermelon.

Watermelon urine color orange

Watermelon is famous for its vitamin C. Vitamin C may change our urine color. The most common color originated from vitamin C is orange (1).

Also, vitamin A and β-carotene are two other components that cause orange urine.

100 g serving of watermelon contains 8.1 mg of vitamin C, 569 IU vitamin A and 303 µg β-carotene (2). The average weight of one single watermelon is 12-16 kg.

That’s why the consumption of a portion of watermelon boosts all of these components intakes. Which may turn our urine color to orange.

Glassy white urine

Watermelon is rich in water components. One single watermelon contains 92 percent of water. Because of this eating watermelon boosts our body’s hydration.

As we know too much water reduces pigments in urine. Which turns urine to whitish. That’s why water-rich watermelon may promote glassy white urine.

Watermelon urine color bright yellow

Foods that contain high vitamin B2 or riboflavin change the urine color to bright yellow (3). However, a little bit of vitamin B2 is present in watermelon.

You will get only 0.02 mg of riboflavin from 100 g of watermelon. So, in rare cases, a huge intake of watermelon may cause bright yellow urine color.

Watermelon urine color red

Watermelon is a great source of lycopene. Lycopene is a pigment that is behind the red color of watermelon.

According to studies a little bit of lycopene is present in urine (4). However, red-colored lycopene does not change urine color.

If you are facing red-colored urine it may be caused by hematuria (5). Kidney infection promotes hematuria or blood in the urine (6).

Excessive intake of phosphorus-rich foods can cause a kidney infection (7). As watermelon is not a great source of phosphorus, it will not cause a kidney infection.

However, the major reason behind kidney infection is a bacteria called E.coli. E.coli is found in raw meats, milk, and faecal contamination of vegetables (8).

Faecal contamination of watermelon is possible. So, only if you are eating this kind of watermelon, your urine color may be red.

Watermelon urine color black

Niacin can turn the urine color to black. It is because niacin indirectly causes elevated urobilinogen. Although watermelon is not a high source of niacin, an excess intake can boost the niacin.

As watermelon is full of water, too much eating of watermelon is possible without any issue. In that case, our niacin intake will increase.

High niacin causes chronic liver diseases like posthepatitic cirrhosis (9). Studies have shown that niacin also promotes hepatotoxicity (10).

Both hepatotoxicity and cirrhosis are the major reasons behind elevated urobilinogen. The elevated urobilinogen is the culprit behind black urine color (11).

Final Thoughts

A normal intake of watermelon does not change the urine color. But one single watermelon is high in water component and weighs near about 12 kg.

The 5 shades of urine color are a bi-product of huge watermelon intake. The major urine color changes are red, bright yellow, black, white, and orange.

However, glassy white urine is the most common color observed after eating watermelon. Other colors occur rarely and are caused by diseases.