Ultra Processed Food Causes Cancer

Ultra Processed Food Causes Cancer

Surplus consumption of ultraprocessed foods increases men's risk of colorectal cancer

Surplus consumption of ultraprocessed foods increases men's risk of colorectal cancer 

According to studies ultra-processed foods can lead to heart disease and early death in both men and women 

According to studies ultra-processed foods can lead to heart disease and early death in both men and women 

What Are Some Ultra-processed Foods Examples?  

What Are Some Ultra-processed Foods Examples?   

Cakes, candies, ice-cream, prepackaged soups, sauces, frozen pizza, ready-to-eat meals, hot dogs, sausages, french fries, sodas.  

In fact ultra-processed foods are associated with obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and overall mortality 

Too much eating of ultra-processed foods can increase the risk of colorectal cancer in men by 29 percent

However ultra-processed foods like whole-grain foods that contain little or no added sugars, and yogurt are ok to eat

However ultra-processed foods like whole-grain foods that contain little or no added sugars, and yogurt are ok to eat

That's why you should consume more natural foods compared to ultra-processed foods